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At the time the wind began to blow, a ship was sailing far out upon the waters.When the waves began to tumble and toss and to grow bigger and bigger the ship rolled up and down, and tipped sidewise-first one way and then the other-and was jostled around so roughly that even the sailor-men had to hold fast to the ropes and railings to keep themselves from being swept away by the wind or pitched headlong into the sea.
  And the clouds were so thick in the sky that the sunlight couldn't get through them; so that the day grew dark as night, which added to the terrors of the storm.
  The Captain of the ship was not afraid, because he had seen storms before, and had sailed his ship through them in safety; but he knew that his passengers would be in danger if they tried to stay on deck, so he put them all into the cabin and told them to stay there until after the storm was over, and to keep brave hearts and not be scared, and all would be well with them.

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  • by admin Published on June 26, 2013 03:47:07
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