hostgator promo code HostGator’s 10th Birthday Special Promotion DETAILS

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hostgator promo code HostGator's 10th Birthday Special Promotion DETAILS

For Snappy's 10th Birthday, we're offering 40% OFF All Hosting Plans (First Invoice) and $5 domain names!

Remember this promotion will be on Monday October 22nd from 12:00am CDT to 11:59PM CDT October 22nd.

This is going to be a huge day for clients and affiliates. Past promotions have been record days for affiliates.

Please remember not to post about this until Monday as the offer wont be available and it will just confuse users.

hostgator promo code HostGator's 10th Birthday Special Promotion DETAILS

We will be changing our website to display the discounted rates and special promotion. Visitors do NOT need to insert a coupon code to receive the special. The correct coupon code will automatically be inserted on all orders placed on Monday / The Anniversary Promo Day.
The discount applies to the clients first invoice. Our VPS and dedicated server hosting services are only available on a monthly basis, therefore the promotion will apply to only the first month.

This promotion will bring our already competitive hosting packages as low as:

Shared hosting: As low as $4.95 Now only: $2.97/month (pre-paid)

Reseller Hosting: As low as $24.95 Now Only: $14.97/month (pre-paid)

VPS Hosting: As low as $19.95 Now Only: $11.97 (First Month)

Dedicated Servers: As low as $174 Now Only $104.4 (First Month)

Here's what we want you to do on Monday:

  • Put our banners (below) on your site!

  • Post about the promotion on your blog

  • Post on Twitter and Facebook

  • Post about it on forums (follow all forum rules and don't spam)

  • Tell your E-mail lists (Again, no Spam!)

  • Refer friends and family

  • Push all of your hosting related traffic to HostGator and EARN BIG!

  • Tell everyone you know! (NO spam allowed)

  • hostgator promo code HostGator's 10th Birthday Special Promotion DETAILS


  • by admin Published on October 20, 2012 09:14:59
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: